ZhuangZi ( Zhuang "" is the family name, Zi "" is an honorific title for addressing man ), living and teaching around 350 BC, was a Taoist philosopher who wrote a book named ZhuangZi as well.
     "Soar at Will" (alternate name "Excursions into Freed", "Transcendental Bliss" etc. ) is the first article in the book. The title of the article in chinese is Xiao () Yao () You (). (Xiao Yao) usually are linked together to compose one word which present a mood, happy, rise over common desire, keep distance from disturbing outside etc. (You) literally means excursion, ramble anywhere as the wish. In depth, it imply that do something or play or entertain following the wish by oneself.
     In the Northern Ocean there is a fish, its name the Kun (Leviathan), its size no one know how many li. By metamorphosis it becomes a bird called the P'eng ('Roc'), with a back no one know how many li in extent. When it rouses itself and flies, its wings darken the sky like clouds. With the sea in motion this bird transports itself to the Southern Ocean, the Lake of Heaven.
     In the words of Ch'i Hsieh, a recorder of marvels, "When the P'eng transports itself to the Southern Ocean, it thrashes the water for three thousand li, and mounts in a whirlwind to the height of ninety thousand li, and flies conti- nuously for six months before it comes to rest".
             -- E.A.HUGHES, "Excursions into Freed"

li: Chinese distance unit. One li is equal to a half kilometer.
     A cicada and a young dove giggled together over the P'eng. The cicada said, "When we exert ourselves to fly up on to the tall elms, we so metimes fail to get there and are pulled back to the ground; and that is that. Why then should any one mount up ninety thousand li in order to go south?" Well, the man who goes out to the grassy country near by takes only three meals with him and comes back with his stomach well filled. But the man who has to travel a hundred li grinds flour for one night on the way; and the man who has to travel a thousand li requires food for three months. These two little creatures (the cicada and the dove), what can they know?
             -- E.A.HUGHES, "Excursions into Freed"

     The hibiscus flower with one brief morning's existence has no knowledge of the duration of a month. The adult cicada knows nothing of the spring and the autumn. This is due to their short life.
             -- E.A.HUGHES, "Excursions into Freed"

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     The vocational training possibly restrict people to a narrow field leading their whole life. It's very unfortunate. The bounds between artist and technology expert represent this condition sufficiently and typically. In fact, the action, such as coding and painting, all are enable to bring us amusement. When we touch and feel, our brain neural network is abstracting and concluding. When we deduct and calculate following the law, our mind often is being impulsed by a sort of sense of the elegance and grace from the regular variety. Sensibility and logos are human nature. Returning the nature will bring us whole enjoyment.

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